Cleaning stuff out can really give you a picture of yourself, if you are willing to look. That's how I've been feeling this past few weeks. I've been somewhat busy cleaning things out - the fridge, the garage, my craft supplies, Sunday school material, school books, playroom, closets Only a few things are done completely, the fridge and the garage, to be exact! Everything else is in process - a process that seems to get slower and slower as the days go by!
It's funny how I started out ready to get the jobs done. Be harsh! If unsure, toss it or give it away! Now, I am looking at things, thinking about things, feeling attached to my stuff again. As I write this, I find myself saying, 'Why?' I could put most of my stuff in boxes and never see it again, and not miss it one bit! But, as soon as I see it now, I want it! I can't throw that away, and nobody else would want it, so I must keep it! Anybody feel my pain? (NOT for you to answer, hubby!)
Anyway, back to my original thought. A few weeks ago I was cleaning out the fridge, and I said that I felt a blog coming on! As I developed my thoughts, a friend of mine (Hi, Sue!) gave me some great thoughts of hers, which I will share, as well.
The fridge..............I love my fridge. It's much smaller than my American fridge. This thing of mine is shorter than me! The bottom half is the freezer, and the top is the fridge. I love it because it is easy to keep clean. Less room means less food and less stuff to get lost in the back. Yet, as I clean it out, I still find that some good stuff has been pushed to the back and forgotten. Forgotten for what? The necessities, I'd say - milk, butter, juice, cheese, ketchup (YES! That is a necessity in my house since that is one of my kids' 5 a day!).
Unfortunately, necessities can sometimes block us from seeing the good stuff. As I cleaned the fridge out, I found the stuff I really wanted pushed to the back and the stuff I thought I wanted but really didn't crowding the good stuff out! Somehow that is just like my life. So many times I have a plan, a list of priorities, things I want to do with my kids, and things that I should do for my mental and spiritual well-being. But soon, I find my time and thoughts are filled up with other stuff. Stuff that seems important at the time, but yields little fruit in my life, at least not fruit I want to keep!
My friend said that refrigerators themselves remind her of white-washed tombs. They are all shiny and clean on the outside but cold, dead, and literally frozen in some parts on the inside. And the light! Think about that light! You know, the light you see when you open the door. As I gaze into my fridge it seems like that light has always been on, but actually is it always OFF! It only comes on when it's being examined! Oh, how I hope my light is not only on when I am being examined!
So, as I clean out my stuff, I will clean out the junk in my heart and mind, as well. I believe as I put things right inside myself, it will be easier to let go of the things of this world, and get back to what is really important: my God, my Family, my Light. The Catholics have a saying, "Cleanliness is close to godliness." In many ways, I'd say that is true. (That's for another day!) But I'm more interested in what God has to say, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16 For my light to shine bright, I must get the junk out of the way! It's time to get busy!