In my hurried day, I often find myself not fully embracing what God is clearly saying in this verse. I want to check things off:
1. Be still. - ok, I will, soon.
2. Know that I am God - I do KNOW that He is God.
And therein lies my problem. The KNOWING God only comes from BEING STILL! I am to be still..............and in this stillness, I will know that He is God. Every time I get away, alone, to somewhere quiet, I KNOW that He is God. I know it!
1. Be still. - ok, I will, soon.
2. Know that I am God - I do KNOW that He is God.
And therein lies my problem. The KNOWING God only comes from BEING STILL! I am to be still..............and in this stillness, I will know that He is God. Every time I get away, alone, to somewhere quiet, I KNOW that He is God. I know it!
I look at people today and realize why it is so hard for some to come to the Lord. I understand why so many question even God's existence. God gives the revelation, but only under the right conditions. For, you see, we cannot KNOW anything until we have put our focus on the thing/person we are to know. People are distracted from the important stuff by all the material stuff around them. I'm thankful God has His ways of dealing with that!
This afternoon, I went for a long walk, enjoying the clear blue sky and temperate climate of Lake Mary in early Spring. After walking for awhile, listening several times to Casting Crowns sing "O Glorious Day," I found myself at the edge of a little lake and decided to sit for a spell. I took the headphones off, wanting to enjoy the quietness and peacefulness of the moment. Just like every other time, God joined me on the bench, opening my eyes to the beauty all around, whispering words of truth to me. I watched the white ibises balancing on one leg, enjoying the shade of an oak tree. I heard the ducks frolicking in the water on the other side of the dock. And, as clear as a bell, my mind remembered Jesus' timely words in Matthew 6, Behold the fowls of the air.........Consider the lilies of the field..........Therefore take no thought...........But seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness. God has set my priorities, and I always like His results!
One more look at the lake before I part. The sun is glistening so brightly off the water I have to turn away, reminding me of the glory of the Lord and how I can't look upon Him now, but one day I will! The rustling of the leaves brings pleasure to my senses, and I remember the Holy Spirit will do the same. This is the FIRST thing I want to do every day, be alone with God. Of course, there are challenges every day, but if I keep my priorities straight, everyone else will reap the reward. So, now, back to the eventful life of husband and boys with a refreshed soul and a desire to return soon to this place of rest.