It's amazing to me that I haven't written on this wall since my physical birthday. Better yet, I'm finally writing on my spiritual birthday. Today is just too significant a day in my life to NOT write. I can't let it go by without doing something profound, something important, something that will last past the few hours we call November 21st.
Nine years ago I found myself sitting in a little white chapel in Canton, Texas, listening to a man tell the story of his life.......which was also the story of MY life. God arranged this meeting, this moment in time, to change my life forever; to change my destination forever; to give me hope; to give me peace; to give me life. Words cannot express what God did for me that day. All I know is that only GOD knew my inward state and only GOD could do something about it. God loved me enough to do just that.
It amazes me that as fresh as those memories are of that night, that moment when I KNEW I must be born again, I'm still prone to wander; not for long and not very far, but still, my will does not always line up with the God I love. I get distracted, complacent, idol. Yes! In all this busyness of my current state, I find myself idol when it comes to the important stuff. What an embarrassing yet refreshing things to admit.
BUT the winds of change are stirring! I do find myself coming to a new resolve. A resolve to read more, know more, believe more, BE more. I am a debtor and the only thing for me to do in trust and obey. May we each find our strength in the Only One who can help us keep such a resolve as that! May Jesus Christ be praised!
"O to Grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above."